Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Camp, here I come...

Today's the big day. I'm headed off to summer camp in the south of France for two weeks..
I know that may seem strange. It seems strange even to me, because August 15th seems like it should be the END of summer camps, not the beginning. But no, I leave today and will be there until August 30th.
About 4 or 5 months ago, I was looking into taking some French courses to improve my French. I felt like I was learning French, but picking up bad habits from speaking primarily to immigrants all the time. After a little while, I started seeing that classes were out of my price range. So, instead, I got grammar texts from the library and looked through those instead. I tried using CDs to improve my oral skills. But nothing really works as well as speaking to actual French people, so someone suggested summer camp. A great place to meet real French people, right? Yes.
Well now, my insides are all shaky. I never like change, but change in France is somehow worse. I barely know anyone in France, but I don't know anyone at all at camp. Everyone tells me that people who volunteer their summers to work at camp tend to be really nice people, and while I believe that, I just keep thinking "What if I don't make friends?" and then, even worse, "Everyone will be speaking French...will I be able to keep up with the rest of them?" I'm really nervous about being that really awkward giggler who sits in the corner, pretending to understand conversations, but never really getting them.
I had to have a medical test a few days ago in order to go to camp. I had to prove that I wasn't going to spread any infectious diseases. But this exam made me even a little more nervous about this camp experience. I told Stephan, who went with me, that I'd feel better if the doctor would wear a lab coat. Instead, she wore a short floral skirt, heels, and a flower in her hair. And, she had a book on her shelf called "How to Diagnose your Patients." That seemed particularly discouraging, but I'm trying not to let myself think that this means that camp is off to a rough start. The good news: I did get a form saying I am not diseased. That's a step in the right direction.
I'm leaving today. I'm leaving in ten minutes. So, pray for me. Pray that I make friends and understand conversations and end up liking camp. Pray that I turn into a camp addict--might as well hope for the best, right?

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