Thursday, February 4, 2010


Before coming to France to work with the women in my classes, I had a training session where I was told what to expect from the kinds of women I'd be working with. For one thing, I was told they would ask very invasive questions: Are you married? Why aren't you married? Do you have kids? Why not? .... things like that.
Well, for the most part, I haven't really experienced any of this aside from the occasional teasing I get for being 24 and single.
But the other day, a woman in class said to me (from my perspective, the question came completely out of the blue), "How much money do you make?"
I was taken aback by the question, because I'd never imagine asking anyone this. "Enough," I replied vaguely.
"No," she continued, "How much money do you make?"
I then explained that I'm a volunteer and that I received a monthly stipend.
"And you don't work?" she asked.
"Si!" I said, nettled that she thought teaching her French didn't constitute working. "I do work."
"What do you do for a living then?" she asked.
"Teach," I replied.
"Here," I said.
She paused a minute, considered this, and then said, "You're so funny."
"No," I replied. "Really. I'm here to teach you French."
"That's not work," she said.
"What is it then?" I laughed.
She smiled, "Oh, I don't know..." And then, with one final look at me, she left, laughing her way all the way down the rue Telegraphe.

But oh my. I enjoyed that conversation. I really love my work...or, from her perspective, my lack there of.

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