Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A few pictures

While I added that last photo, I thought I should add a few others, showing all the touristy things I've had a chance to do on the weekends. Here, Margret (my old roommate--on the left) and Celeste (who also teaches literacy classes) and I headed off to Montmartre to see Paris from the sky.
Here we are in front of the Sacre Coeur.

We had a picnic together in Celeste's apartment. Margret and I headed to the Louvre for a little culture.

The beautiful Louvre at night.


Unknown said...

Hey Katie, it's great to hear how things are going. I couldn't imagine teaching people and not being able to tell who they are. I have a hard enough time as it is! I also have to say that your little picnic looks delicious!

Leanne said...

I totally feel you about the the students. At least Americans tend to have different names and appearances...but I still struggle for the first few weeks! Congrats on making it! :-) Next time, invite me to the picnic! It looked VERY good. Maybe we'll have to recreate that when you get here! :-)