Monday, May 3, 2010

Tandoori and Nan

So, I've recently learned how to make Tandoori chicken, which is quite the feat for me, since cooking isn't really my forte. I've got spaghetti down, a few different types of pastas, but now, I can add some Tandoori chicken to my répertoire.
The woman who taught me (or rather, us, since I learned alongside a friend of mine in Paris) is a Sri Lankan lady who is currently living in Paris but has dreams of moving to Washington in the U.S. Although she's Sri Lankan, she works in an Indian restaurant in Paris. I start private lessons with her this week (tonight, actually, if all goes well...) The idea is for her to improve her French, but as you can see, this was a fun adventure, so I'm hoping for more cooking lessons in the future.
Vive la cuisine.

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