Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So, I'm home now.  Back in Indianapolis, Indiana.  And in some way, I'm feeling like France never happened.
It's a strange thing, this returning.  I feel like I've slept through two years of American life.  All of the sudden, there are new shows like glee that I never knew were popular.  Starbucks doesn't sell the drink I want anymore, although bless Starbucks, they'll still make you about anything if you describe it well enough.  I left "not an aunt", and returned an aunt twice over (which happens to be the best part of coming back).

But also, another strange aspect of this returning, is that, this time returing to America, I have to remind myself that I DID live in France, because of course, this time there's an engagement ring on my finger, and Stephan and I are getting married, and this whole exciting future is stretching in front of us.  Will we live in France?  Will Stephan take that engineering position and move us to Morocco?  Or will we stick to the States?
Once when I was about ready to graduate college, I was driving down Pennsylvania, and all the stop lights were green, and I thought, "This is my future."  I could have chosen so many different roads.
For the past two years, though, there have been red lights.  I don't mean that in a bad way.  But I was stopped in one place.  My France life was all I wanted and I wouldn't have left (of course, signing contracts does play a role in that sense of stability), but now, I've just applied to be a substitute elementary school teaching position--not really my life dream--and so, the green lights are back on. 
Stephan and I are getting married, and we get to decide together where we go from here.  We could toss a coin on a world map.  We could, within reason, move anywhere.  Isn't that an exciting thought?
So, now, let the deciding begin....


Leanne said...

What a great post! What exciting things are happening for you! I'm so glad you're back in the states. I for one would hope you would stay here, but who am I to keep you here if God is calling you elsewhere? :-) I know you and Stephan will follow God's leading and be truly blessed because of it!

Anonymous said...

I bet that is such a crazy feeling being back in the states after two years! Love your willingness to live on the edge and not have to have a plan! =)